Need a Boost for your Marketing?
Imagine. Marketing enablement solutions generating double-digit response rates and conversions from direct sales and marketing initiatives. It’s not only possible; we’ve done it. And we’ve repeated these kinds of results for clients in diverse industries and markets.
But just what is marketing enablement? It seems like such a broad term. It is, and it’s often overused—made synonymous with jargon phrases like lead generation and inbound marketing. But marketing enablement is simply a systematic approach to improving sales and the productivity of your sales team. And there are a few rock solid methods that go into this monumental effort.
Monumental, because these methods have to be integrated and used in concert in order to achieve the best results. At Superior Business Solutions, we not only know how each print, digital, and social application works, we understand how each can integrate and work together for unique, custom sales and marketing enablement solutions.
So let’s talk broadly about some of those methods and what they entail, so you can have a fuller picture of what our marketing enablement looks like:
Marketing Enablement Solutions 101
Email Marketing: Generally considered the cornerstone of any good marketing enablement strategy, email marketing is the best way to reach most people, especially millennials. It’s a great way to get an audience to your website and put your business on their minds.
Mobile: Stats say 48% of email is now opened on a mobile device. Smartphones and tablets can’t be ignored by marketers, especially since you can reach your customers in so many mobile-related ways. SMS texting and QR Codes are two other mobile marketing enablement technologies that Superior Business Solutions offers. It’s a great way to boost sales and increase customer loyalty and retention.
Social Media: Of course we can’t forget social media. Who would have guessed at the advent of Facebook that social media would become so ubiquitous and essential in business and marketing strategy? But companies are finding that they can easily increase their exposure and broaden their community.
Print Marketing & Direct Mail: Often overlooked in marketing development strategies today, direct mail and print marketing technologies are the trump cards for businesses to play in a world inundated with digital forms of marketing. If there’s one thing I’ve said before and know I’ll have to say again, it’s that print is not dead. It stands out. And we’ve got print marketing technologies, such as variable print on-demand and business forms that help you reduce costs and control expenses.
There’s obviously a lot more that goes into marketing enablement, and we at Superior Business Solutions are on the cutting edge of print and marketing technologies. We help businesses identify, target, and reach prime prospects with 1-to-1 marketing strategies that generate more leads and create prospect engagement, conversions, and long-term customer relationships that grow sales and revenues. That’s marketing enablement.
Feel free to get in touch with us if you are looking for business or marketing enablement solutions to help your company thrive. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have. You can fill out a contact form HERE or call us at 800.968.1416.