Is a Transactional Approach to Your Print Supply Chain and Promotional Product Management Costing You and Your Company Time and Money? 
Thinking they will save money, there are still plenty of companies out there, both big and small, who take a “transactional” approach to their print supply chain and promotional product management. Need some brochures printed, labels or tags ordered or business forms restocked? Transactional buyers will call 3-5 folks they have used before or find some options online, get a quote, award the job to the lowest bidder, then hope their print job comes in on time and looking perfect.
With promotional products, it can be even worse. Some companies assign someone who won’t even be using the products to get some catalogs or look online to choose trinkets or give-aways for a sales meeting, trade show or other upcoming event. The only parameters are cost and a personal opinion of ‘what would be good.”
In this day of advanced technologies and business strategies, this “transactional” approach to buying print and promotional products is unnecessary, inefficient and is costing you time and money. There are simply better ways to handle your print supply chain and management of your promotional products, that not only saves time and money but also produces better results for your business.
The First Thing We Do Is Listen
We can provide a fresh and thorough analysis of your printing and promotional product needs. We’ll come in and meet with you, listen and learn. Once we have taken the time to consult with you and gain an understanding of the things your business needs and the challenges you face, we can make some suggestions.
Those suggestions might surprise you. Based on our experience, we might suggest entirely different ways to accomplish your objectives, including discontinuing some tactics and initiating others. There’s a creative component to our offering. But you will almost certainly learn ways to formulate a “program approach” to your print supply chain and promotional product management.
Printing Programmed For Success
We can help you put into place mechanisms that ensure that your “one off” printing projects are completed smoothly, with the quality you expect and can depend upon. Ongoing needs such as business forms, labels, tags, visual management tools for 5S Methodology and LEAN implementation, sales literature and other printed materials can be handled through our Corporate Kiosk technology; allowing different people in different locations to order and reorder the correct items easily and in a virtually foolproof system that saves time, prevents mishaps, protects branding and maximizes efficiency.
Planning for Better Promotional Products
For promotional products, our program provides similar benefits. We work with the widest range of trustworthy vendors available. After 90 years in business, we know who to trust and who can meet both deadlines and quality expectations and we offer endless choices and customization options. We become your partners and will help guide you through choosing the appropriate options.
Our experience can also help you choose items that will create the best impression of your company among your prospects and customers. Our sales reps and CSR’s know what items your target market most appreciates and which ones might provide that extra emotional connection with them to improve your image in their eyes for years to come.
We’ll Help You Get There
Most people we speak with are convinced pretty quickly about the value of a “program” approach instead of starting from scratch each time you need print or promo items. Still, most people also know they may have a hurdle or two to cross in getting others in your organization, who haven’t yet had the opportunity to speak with us, to appreciate and understand the same things. Fortunately, it’s one you don’t face alone.
We will help provide the information you need in the most appropriate way, and create a presentation that will help other decision-makers in your company appreciate the benefits of working with Superior Business Solutions. We’ll arm you with the facts that demonstrate the efficiencies your organization will enjoy as a result.
If you would like, we’ll even go along to the presentation. Our team does it all the time. It’s important to get everyone on board, from purchasing to accounting, so they can become excited about the opportunity to work with us. Together, we can make employee’s lives better by saving them time and making things easier, while also saving the company money.
Taking the First Step
Traditional thinking can be difficult to overcome, but when a newer, better way becomes clear, business realities work in your favor. We don’t leave you on an island. We provide you with a brand new bridge to more profitable territory and the map to take your company along!
The first step, of course, is allowing us to do what we do best, listen to your situation then make it better. To get that consultation started, give me a call or, if you prefer, get in touch with one of our Superior sales representatives. It’s pretty competitive out there. One phone call can give your company an edge.