5 Behaviors That Can Inspire Your Team to Succeed
Forget Motivation: Provide Inspiration Teamwork seems like an overused word these days. But you don’t have to own or manage a business for very long to appreciate its importance. You quickly learn that to maximize productivity, you need everyone working to the best of...
What Is Promotional Kitting?
Promotional Kitting Generates Profitable Results We’ve been talking here recently about kitting and fulfillment. Today, I’d like to focus on promotional kitting. Because promotional kitting combines strategic thinking and creativity to generate profitable results....
3 Key Benefits of Kitting and Fulfillment
What You Pick and How You Pack Both Matter You send things to customers. You probably also send things to prospects, hoping to turn them into customers. And as I’m sure you have discovered, you can blow through lots of employee time gathering up, packaging and...
How to Reach Millennials with Print Marketing
Digital Captures Attention, but Print Captures Dollars The other day, as I was preparing material for this current series on the features of print marketing, something occurred to me. Millennials are supposedly “all in” on electronic and digital media, right? Well...
Facebook Failing You? Print Marketing Won’t
Facebook’s in the Digital Doghouse. Switch to Print Marketing and Succeed You’ve heard an endless stream of stories related to Facebook recently. They range from surprise algorithm changes to the uncomfortable “revelation” that Facebook shares ALL of our...
Need Promotional Items in a Hurry? Don’t Worry!
We help businesses establish programs of effective promotional item management, such as our custom online company stores for promotional products call Corporate Kiosk, that makes “fire drills” unnecessary, and ensures quality and continuity at the lowest possible cost.

Are Millennials Impressed with Print Marketing?
Your Business Will Benefit from Knowing The Answer Many people think millennials are so focused on technology that they regard print marketing as outdated and ignore it. Those people apparently don’t know millennials very well. Because millennials want all the print...
Top 10 Blogs Every CEO, President and Manager Needs to Know
Broad Perspectives to Help Build Your Business Those who know me know I am very focused on our business. I’m proud of Superior Business Solutions as a “go-to” partner for managed print services and promotional items and want to keep it that way. But to manage a...
Print Marketing Goes Interactive
Print Can Make Your Brand More Alive Than Ever You’ve probably heard somebody describe a print ad that “jumped off the page.” Well, to quote an old cliché (bad grammar and all) – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! There are some amazing things going on in the area of print...
Back to Back Best of Print & Digital Wins Thanks to Superior Customers!
Our Customers Have Spoken UPDATE: Superior Business Solutions has earned a three-peat with another Best of Print & Digital win for 2019! Sometimes history repeating itself can be a very good thing. I am proud and humbled to announce that Superior Business...
Why Inspiration Matters to Your Sales Process
See What a Positive and Proactive Sales Process Looks Like Last week, I shared a post that contained “Inspirational Quotes to Get You Through Your Workday.” I promised that today, I would discuss why inspiration—backed with the right tools and discipline—is essential...
10 Inspirational Quotes to Get You Through Your Workday
Good Advice About Making Your Work Worth It Occasionally, I like to share famous (or not-so-famous) quotes that seem to offer unique or interesting wisdom we can use in how we conduct our business and our sales process. When I read a quote that inspires me, I (at...
5 Ways to Have a Better Workday
Making Work Seem Less Like It With the new year flying by and too much to do and too little time, you’re probably stressed out. In fact, Americans are reporting a stress level of 4.6 on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being totally stressed out. So today I’m going to...
Three Reasons Your Promotional Items Stink and What to Do About It
The Worst Ways to Handle Your Best Form of Advertising I’ve heard a few less-than-flattering terms for promotional items throughout my career. And I only have one thing to say about that…they’re accurate, in many cases. You know I have great respect for what...
How to Address Wastes from Poor Quality Through LEAN Manufacturing
Waste #5: Poor Quality—Part 6 of 8: Addressing the Seven Wastes in LEAN Manufacturing with Corporate Kiosk Next up on our waste “hit list”: quality problems. If you’ve been following along, you know we’ve been revisiting seven wastes identified in LEAN...
How to Address Process Wastes Identified by LEAN Manufacturing
Waste #3: Processing–Part 4 of 8: Addressing the 7 Wastes in LEAN Manufacturing with Corporate Kiosk In our current series, we’ve been talking about the seven wastes identified in LEAN manufacturing. The original post was one of our most popular ever. But with so many...
Addressing the 7 Wastes in LEAN Manufacturing with Corporate Kiosk
LEAN Thinking is Profitable Thinking: Part 1 of 8 If yours is like many businesses, you’ve begun the new year with big plans to cut waste in your operation. Along with increasing sales, it’s the only way to craft a larger bottom line. And that’s perfectly...
10 Ways YOUR Business Can Save Time
Hours Are Assets – Spend Them Wisely It’s a brand-new year. But unfortunately, one thing hasn’t changed. You (and your business) are still pressed for time. At last check, there are still only 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, and, well, you get the idea....