For Online Event Success, You’ve Got to Know the (QR) Code You know, I laugh (at least to myself) when I hear people asking questions like “do people still use QR codes?” or “are QR codes dead?” That’s because I know the truth: the value of QR codes is actually...
They’re More Effective Than Ever Is smart marketing dead? Is effective sales strategy dead? No, of course not. So I wish people would stop asking the question “Are QR codes dead?” because that question is just as silly. In fact, here’s a much better question:...
Stop Wondering About QR Codes and Start Winning Chances are that lately, you’ve heard QR codes discussed more often at industry meetings and trade publications. A little odd, since some folks had pronounced QR codes “dead” years ago. But it’s also quite exciting....
Do People Use QR Codes? “Quick Response” is a Business Necessity Do people use QR codes? People ask me that question from time to time, and I understand why. It’s because certain “too cool for the room” techies pronounced QR codes dead years ago, and apparently...
Marketing Enablement Tools for Stronger Sales: Part 3 of 7 Today I’d like to continue our series in which we are assessing the value of marketing enablement tools. I’ll have fun doing this one since I get to dispel a notion that has been spread by trendy techies...
Mashable Says QR Codes are “Cool Again” A few years back, some “in the know” techies pronounced QR codes dead. But to paraphrase Mark Twain after he read his own obituary—reports of its demise have been greatly exaggerated. Plenty of recent evidence suggests that QR...
QR Codes for Sales Enablement? Read (Don’t Scan) This Post. Last week, I published a post about QR codes, and how you can easily create a Google maps QR code for your business. It’s a simple way to help consumers locate your business or office with a simple...
QR Codes Are a Great Sales Enablement Tool for Your Business How many times have you heard that old “location, location, location” mantra? Well, one of the reasons for that is easy: it’s true! For a business, your location is critical. Finding you is a pretty...
Whether it’s a business, franchise, service organization, or some other enterprise, engaging and retaining customers is your most important function. Where do you start? November’s blog posts here at Superior have been all about getting your marketing campaign off the...
How to Easily Generate QR Codes for Marketing to Create Brand Advocates You’ve probably seen QR Codes in magazine ads or on pamphlets. Increasingly, they are showing up on business cards and marketing collateral. Even in email. When your customers scan these codes...
What if you could put interactivity into your printing at essentially no cost? Sound too good to be true? Then you haven’t heard about QR Codes. You may have seen them in magazine ads or on billboards. Increasingly, they are showing up on business cards and marketing...
QR Codes are gaining a lot of press right now. They are all over the place, magazines, billboards, airports, direct mail pieces, etc. Even USPS is offering a 3% discount right now for any mailing using QR Codes. You can get the details on the USPS website. Have you...