Time to Take Stock—and Action in Print At the end of the year, we reflect on the past; and “looking back” sounds like some sentimental journey. But it’s a logical time to take a breath and assess, with a year’s worth of perspective, how certain parts of your operation...
HINT: Saving Money May Not Be the Most Important One Now, do me a favor: DON’T cheat and sneak a look at the bottom of the article. (Or at least if you do, come back up here and see what you missed.) You know I am a huge proponent of managed print services....
Check Out Some Returns You’re Really Going to Like Happy Election Day! I’d like to spend today’s post doing a little campaigning myself—but not for any politician. You may not be running for office, today, but chances are good you’re running an office. Want that...
Promoting Print Proudly Happy International Print Day 2018! #IPD18 is a big day for those of us in the industry. But it’s also a big day for those who appreciate and prefer their communications, books and important documents printed on paper. That means just about all...
Proof Positive That Print Helps Your Businesses Succeed Thursday I talked about offering customers the choice of printed invoices and statements, rather than a “digital only” system. I shared research from Two Sides North America that proves consumers are less...
Protect Your Data and Your Customer Relationships Last week I pointed out the importance of having a disaster recovery plan. In that post, I wanted to emphasize first, that natural disasters like floods and hurricanes aren’t as rare as you might think—and effect...
Printing Services Can Benefit Your Financial Institution by Enhancing Efficiency and Engaging Customers For banks and other financial institutions, the proverbial “price of entry” is clearly accuracy. But beyond that, other things help determine success. I’m...
Promotional Kitting Generates Profitable Results We’ve been talking here recently about kitting and fulfillment. Today, I’d like to focus on promotional kitting. Because promotional kitting combines strategic thinking and creativity to generate profitable results....
The Best Way to Shape Up What You’re Shipping Out For those not yet familiar with the term “what is kitting and fulfillment” that we covered in a recent post. Let’s say you know very well what the term means, but perhaps you simply aren’t sure how kitting and...
Are Your Mailings Packed with Efficiency? Stop me if you’ve heard this one. “A brochure, a letter, a product sample and a premium item go into a box…” Okay, you caught me. That’s not really a joke. But it is a kit. A pretty typical one, actually. And it’s my way of...
Preventing Problems with Your Custom Labels Labels on consumer and business-to-business products carry your brand identity to market. What you put on the outside of that jar, can, box or bag matters. It is the only thing that differentiates you from your competition...
Your Business Will Benefit from Knowing The Answer Many people think millennials are so focused on technology that they regard print marketing as outdated and ignore it. Those people apparently don’t know millennials very well. Because millennials want all the print...
Our Customers Have Spoken UPDATE: Superior Business Solutions has earned a three-peat with another Best of Print & Digital win for 2019! Sometimes history repeating itself can be a very good thing. I am proud and humbled to announce that Superior Business...
Waste #5: Poor Quality—Part 6 of 8: Addressing the Seven Wastes in LEAN Manufacturing with Corporate Kiosk Next up on our waste “hit list”: quality problems. If you’ve been following along, you know we’ve been revisiting seven wastes identified in LEAN...
Waste #3: Processing—Part 5 of 8: Addressing the Seven Wastes in LEAN Manufacturing with Corporate Kiosk The seven wastes identified in LEAN manufacturing were the subject of an extremely popular post when first published. Therefore, we’ve been revisiting the topic...
Waste #2: Transportation—Part 3 of 8: Addressing the Seven Wastes in LEAN Manufacturing with Corporate Kiosk It’s time to continue our series based on the seven wastes identified in LEAN manufacturing. It was one of our most popular posts ever, and certainly...
Print Is Not Only Stirring But Stirring Up Sales I almost have to laugh whenever this comes up…but it still comes up! Critics, most working far outside their area of expertise, see all the hype about digital this and digital that. They read another article about...
A Smarter, Less Stressful Approach to Printing Needs Control freak? If you manage a small or mid-sized business or play a key role in a larger one, you may feel you have to be these days. For many of us, the ever-faster pace of business today gives us the feeling that...
Is Your Print Supply Chain Managing YOU? “We figure out how to print things when we need to.” Not an uncommon attitude, and at face value it seems to make sense. But when I hear it from business owners or managers, it means they are probably spending a lot more time...
Will Eco branding Save Money on Printing Services? I’ve been writing about print supply chain management in recent weeks. And that’s not by accident. I think it’s one area in which we can do the most good for our clients. Our company was founded on new ways to save...