Golf Outing Planning Checklist
For a Great Golf Outing, Better Get On the Ball! That pretty much sums up the point of today’s post. Almost every business person I know is fond of golf outings and looks forward to participating in a few every year. Better still, nearly all the organizations whom we...
FREE 2019 Complete Golf Tournament Planning Guide
Hit This Link to Make the Most of Your Golf Outing This is the time of year to think golf. But not just for yourself. Think about golf as a business or marketing event. This is a great time to gather the best resources and plan a golf outing or tournament. Hands down,...
How to Make Money Instead of Mistakes with Promotional Items
Failure to have an effective marketing plan can cost you money and end with missed opportunities. With an effective marketing plan in place for you next event, you can leverage your company’s online store as a resource for how to make the most of any opportunity.

5 Reasons Your Brand Needs Promotional Marketing
Help Consumers Bond with Your Brand In the last couple of posts, I offered my thoughts on why promotional marketing is such an excellent tool, whether your business is doing well or needs some help. Today, I’d like to talk about the reasons it is so good for your...
Business is BAD? You Need This
Put Your Success in Your Customers’ Hands Last week, I shared thoughts on the importance of promotional marketing even when your business is doing well. I suspect a certain number of you saw that headline and moved on, thinking “that’s not us, unfortunately.”...
Business is Good? You Still Need to Market Yourself!
When things are going good, it’s not time to be complacent. Staying on top of your marketing goals with brand awareness and messaging will keep the momentum going. Have a plan, have a strategy and utilize an online company store to effectively manage it all.

The Best Custom Holiday Promotional Corporate Gifts for this Year
Let our Promotional experts help you find the perfect item for employees; business partners, clients, and even important prospects. From custom polos to any number of other products, we’ll see you win in holiday gift giving this year and for years to come.

Promotional Company Stores Get Employees Their Recognition
Give your employees the recognition and rewards that they’ve worked so hard for. Find out how a custom company store for employees can make it so they get something that they cherish for years to come.

Golf Outings: A Stroke of Genius for Promotional Marketing
Name and Claim Outings and Events with Promotional Products There are plenty of places that promotional products make very good sense. That’s the whole reason for our current series on promotional marketing programs for your business. But today, I’d like to focus on...
Are You Ashamed of Your Business?
Is Your Promotional Marketing Hiding Behind Name Brands and Just Plain Hiding YOURS? Today, I’m posting another installment in a series on the valuable promotional marketing programs your business might be missing. And this one starts with a pretty tough question for...
Increasing Loyalty and Sales in Current Customers. How Can It Be Done?
Promotional Marketing Turns Good Customers into Better Ones Hope you had a great Labor Day. But it’s time for me to get back to what truly is a “labor of love”–helping make your business more successful. Today we continue our current series on promotional...
Add that “Special Something” to Your Events with Promotional Marketing
Events Draw People…Promotional Marketing Draws Their Attention I hope today’s post will be eventful for you. I’m continuing our series on how your business can take full advantage of promotional marketing programs. Today’s topic: special events. I plan to show...
The Secret Sauce To Making Your Brand Memorable at Trade Shows
Make YOUR Booth the One They Remember “Hi, nice talking with you. Got a card?” My “tour” of promotional marketing program opportunities visits an old friend today: trade shows. Trade shows can be interesting, but they can also be a bit depressing. You try to meet as...
Power Up Your Brand Campaigns with Promotional Marketing Items
Get the Best Results from The Best-Loved Advertising Channel On Tuesday, I presented a pretty strong case for using promotional products in your marketing program. The research was hard to ignore, unless you want to ignore your customers, too. Consumers like receiving...
This Promotional Umbrella Is UNBELIEVABLE!
This Unbelievable Promotional Umbrella Works Better in the Rain — and in Your Promotional Marketing! Okay, by now you know my last few posts have dealt with using umbrellas for promotional marketing. But I’ve saved the best for last. The best umbrella, that is. It has...
Two Great Promotional Marketing Umbrellas Golfers Will Love and Use
For Quality, These Two Golf Umbrellas Have Your Promotional Marketing Covered! We’re in the heart of golf season, and we’re also in the middle of our series on promotional umbrellas. How can I resist taking advantage of that coincidence, especially when the subject is...
How to Choose the Best Promotional Umbrellas
Choose Carefully So You Don’t Get Soaked On Tuesday, I shared some research on the value of including umbrellas in your promotional marketing program. To put it simply, consumers love them and hang onto them longer than almost any other promotional marketing...
Are Promotional Umbrellas Worth the Spend?
New promotional items are popping up all the time that you can stock in you custom online company store for promotional products, including … umbrellas! Find out how effective these brand ambassadors can be for you at your next trade show or marketing event.