Your Company Can “Win” Every Golf Outing with Custom Magnetic Ball Markers
The Perfect Golf and Summer Promotional Item If you’re a golfer, you get it. You need to “mark” your ball so it doesn’t block another player putting from further away. And you’re constantly “fishing” for one in the pocket of your golf bag...
Updated Golf Outing Planning Guide for Corporate & Charity Golf Events
We’re big fans of the magic (and the ROI) a golf outing or tournament can generate. If you are just “warming up” to the idea, the best approach is to take lessons from a pro. At Superior, we’re the pros at helping our customers do golf outings right.

6 Promotional Gifts for Nurses to Show Appreciation During National Nurses Week
We Rely on Their Care…Show Them WE Care! We’ve been living with this pandemic for more than a year now, and the experience has made us appreciate things we may have taken for granted. Right at the top of that list are medical professionals. So today’s post is a...
Think Email Is the Right Way to Market Right Now? Think Again…and Think Print
Here Are 40 BILLION Reasons Why Print Marketing Works NOW! It was happening even before the pandemic. People were being bombarded with electronic marketing messages, including emails, social media ads, even text messages on their smartphones. Many consumers had...
Give the Perfect Promotional Gift for Their Next ZOOM Call
Hold the Phone! Here’s a Great Promo Gift That Does Just That Want to delight your clients and employees on their next Zoom? BOOM! This is the perfect promotional gift to do it. We offer thousands of terrific promotional items, but this is one that rules right now....
Direct Mail Is Hot Right Now and Video Makes It Fire!
Lights, Camera…SALES Why is direct mail surging in popularity right now? Well, see if this sounds familiar. Your alarm goes off. After the mandatory 15-minute “snooze” you get up, get ready, and go to work. In your home office, that is, or whatever is serving as...
7 Promotional Apparel Trends to Build Your Business in 2021
Promotional apparel is always a popular promotional gift; customers appreciate adding a great-looking item to their wardrobe and the “cooler” the better. Plus, with so many people working from home, custom logo apparel is a must-have for employees attending video conference calls to show off your business.

Put Your Logo on The Great Outdoors
A Gift They’ll Enjoy Like All Get-out! I’ve been talking a lot lately about the benefits of promotional gifts. But some promotional items have a little more impact than others, especially these awesome gifts for outdoor adventure. Know what people who have been stuck...
Here’s How Your Biz Can WIN The Holidays This Year!
What You Do Next Week Will Matter for the Next Year If you are thinking of skipping the promotional gifts this year, you’ll probably get away with it, for now. You might even save a few bucks. But I predict it will cost you plenty in the months and years ahead. Here’s...
Custom Labeled Fine Wines, Artisan Foods & Etched Bottles Tastefully Deliver Your Logo
Gift Something GREAT and Be Remembered! To me, promotional gifts are gold to both the giver and the recipient. And I’ll say it once more while there’s still time promotional gifts matter more now than ever! And today I wanted to let you know about a fun and festive...
THE 2020 Luxe List of Promotional Gifts for Good Health, a Comfortable Home, and Great Adventure
Special Gifts for Special People Well, we’re quickly approaching the end of “what a year!” And, as I’ve mentioned in this space before, it’s a more important year than ever to remember your clients, prospects and key employees with holiday promotional gifts. But what...
Custom-Coordinated Gift Wrap Kits Perfect Your Corporate Promotional Gifts
A Gift They Will Appreciate, Use and Remember Getting ready to send your holiday corporate promotional items? Still in the planning process? Either way, today’s post couldn’t be more timely. These exceptional gift wrap kits are a terrific finishing touch to gifts you...
How Genius Marketers Use QR Codes for Virtual Events
For Online Event Success, You’ve Got to Know the (QR) Code You know, I laugh (at least to myself) when I hear people asking questions like “do people still use QR codes?” or “are QR codes dead?” That’s because I know the truth: the value of QR codes is actually...
Holiday Corporate Gifts? Here’s the #1 Tip You Cannot Miss for Top ROI
Something You Should Know Before “Ho Ho Ho” The holidays are drawing closer, so lately I’ve been talking about your corporate holiday gifting plans. I’m assuming you are planning to be part of the trend; in recent years, the percentage of companies giving...
The Promotional Gift Everyone Can Take Comfort In
A Warm and Fuzzy Way to Wrap up Your Corporate Gifting And wrap up those important clients, prospects and employees in warm comfort! You know we offer a nearly endless array of promotional items. But at this time of year, we always offer a special deal–and I...
Bring People Together with Custom Promotional Puzzles and Build Your Business
Are Puzzles the Missing Piece in Your COVID-19 Recovery? As I mentioned recently, promotional items are a great way to build and maintain business during COVID-19. We’ve even provided some pointers on handing out timely items like promotional kits with PPE for...
The Direct Mail Secret That Increases Inquiries by Over 70% & Sales by Over 25%
It’s Simple, Obvious, and You’re Probably Not Doing It You already know where Superior stands on direct mail. We love it, and the reason is that customers love it. At Superior, we provide an incredible spectrum of print services so my enthusiasm doesn’t surprise...
Custom Tents & Razor Sail Signs to Keep Your Critical Business OPEN During COVID-19
Essential Promotional Marketing Tools for Essential Businesses Social distancing and stay at home are important messages right now. But people still need to eat, take medicines, keep their cars functional, and do other critical things. And if you operate an “essential...