Want a Better Workday? Kick These Time Wasters to The Curb
Are You Working Harder Instead of Smarter? On Tuesday, I discussed the benefits of managed print services. One of the big ones, of course, is that you save money on printing services that way. Money is a key issue for any business, so that is obviously appealing. But...
5 Reasons Your Business Needs Managed Print Services
HINT: Saving Money May Not Be the Most Important One Now, do me a favor: DON’T cheat and sneak a look at the bottom of the article. (Or at least if you do, come back up here and see what you missed.) You know I am a huge proponent of managed print services....
Have You Defined Your Company’s Demise?
Predicting Your Downfall Can Help You Avoid It I know that first headline sounds pretty dark. But it’s actually the best way to ensure a bright future for your company and its people. If those buggy whip manufacturers in the 1890’s had followed this advice, they...
What Do You See In Others?
What Kind of Reflection Do You Create In Others? This time of year, I seem to get a bit more reflective and sentimental and veer off of the path of print management and promotional items. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. (In fact, it might do us good to think that...
The Best Custom Holiday Promotional Corporate Gifts for this Year
Let our Promotional experts help you find the perfect item for employees; business partners, clients, and even important prospects. From custom polos to any number of other products, we’ll see you win in holiday gift giving this year and for years to come.

Elect Print Management and Your Team Always Wins
Check Out Some Returns You’re Really Going to Like Happy Election Day! I’d like to spend today’s post doing a little campaigning myself—but not for any politician. You may not be running for office, today, but chances are good you’re running an office. Want that...
10 Quotes to Promote Mindfulness at Work
Here are some inspiring quotes to help with Mindfulness to destress, get you in the moment and a creative way to use them in your next promotional product strategy initiative.

The Benefits of Mindfulness and Guided Imagery for Business
Be Mindful. Be Productive. Be Done. I’m going to take a step away from my usual business topics today and discuss something that may sound a little more “cosmic” than usual. But I believe it can make a big difference in your business day if you are open to it. Let me...
12 Benefits of e-Procurement for Operations and Logistics
Take Out the Chaos, Take Out the Cost. In Tuesday’s post, I discussed how e-procurement technology could add accuracy and efficiency in getting custom labels. That reminded me it was probably time to remind you once again what e-procurement can do for many aspects of...
Preventing Problems with Your Custom Labels
Keep Production of Your Custom Labels Flowing and Your Business Growing For many businesses, “the busy season” is approaching, or it’s already here. That’s especially true if your company depends on holiday orders for survival. Chances are your production is...
Celebrating #IPD18 International Print Day 2018 Together!
Promoting Print Proudly Happy International Print Day 2018! #IPD18 is a big day for those of us in the industry. But it’s also a big day for those who appreciate and prefer their communications, books and important documents printed on paper. That means just about all...
Looking for CHEAP Promotional Items?
STOP! You Could Be Damaging Your Brand. It is understandable that you want to shop wisely for promotional items. In many situations, you are looking for an inexpensive product bearing your name. Then you can pass it out in quantity, building brand awareness among many...
How to Engage Employees for Customer Loyalty
You want your employees to go above and beyond, so shouldn’t you should do the same? By proactively recognizing individuals and implementing a rewards system like an online customer store for employees, you can do just that with simple gestures like company branded apparel and more can fit the bill.

For Educating Workers, Employers Have a Lot to Learn
Training Employees Is Easier with This Tip Employers are all about training these days. The faster new employees become proficient and the more current stay up-to-date in necessary skill sets, the more productive they can be. The sooner they receive a good...
The Best Direct Mail Opportunity Your Brand is Missing
The Hero of Direct Mail In the last few posts, we’ve been talking about direct mail. Research presented by the United States Post Office contained some surprising findings about “advertising mail.” I’ve used it so far to talk about what you might be doing wrong, and...
How to Waste Your Direct Mail Effort
Without a Strategy, Direct Mail Goes Directly In The Trash You know by now that I’m a big fan of direct mail. But I’m the first to admit that it’s not an automatic “home run.” There are plenty of direct mail success stories. But there are perhaps even more cases in...
Promotional Company Stores Get Employees Their Recognition
Give your employees the recognition and rewards that they’ve worked so hard for. Find out how a custom company store for employees can make it so they get something that they cherish for years to come.

Are You Ashamed of Your Business?
Is Your Promotional Marketing Hiding Behind Name Brands and Just Plain Hiding YOURS? Today, I’m posting another installment in a series on the valuable promotional marketing programs your business might be missing. And this one starts with a pretty tough question for...