Genius Promotional Kits Set Up Employees to Work from Home Allow me to interrupt your search for face masks, hand sanitizer and digital thermometers (news on those at the end of this post). Today I have a special opportunity for you if your company is looking for a...
Kiss Time and Money-wasting Practices GOODBYE Whatever industry you are part of, I’ll bet two things are true. First, business isn’t getting any easier. New challenges seem to arrive daily, through competition, regulation, technology and a dozen other things....
PRINT on it? COUNT on it – with Pad Printing Marketing is all about making an impression. Creating a memorable experience with customers and prospects. Wouldn’t it be great to do that by giving out unique, high-end, brand-name merchandise with your company logo on...
A Primer to Printing on Fabric You might say today’s post is “cut from a different cloth.” That is, in most of my posts I talk about printing business forms, proposals, and collateral materials like brochures and flyers. But I don’t want you to think Superior is only...
Customized Mailing a “Pig” Success If you follow this blog regularly, you know that I often sing the praises of variable print-on-demand. It’s a great way to customize information for individual customers and prospects to addresses their unique situations and...
Save Time. Do More. Get Happy. Where can you find extra time in your workday to concentrate on the important stuff? Easy: spend less time on the other things. That’s called efficiency. And Superior Business Solutions was built to bring more efficiency to businesses...
Even in Winter, Make Time to Chill You know, I spend a lot of time on this blog suggesting ways you can “de-stress” (and shorten) your workday. I’ve covered everything from helping you plan a golf tournament (which can be intimidating) to concrete workday tools like...
The Many Benefits of One Provider for Business Forms Business forms may not sound like a thrilling topic, but they help keep your business functioning effectively every day. And if you get your business forms from the right provider, they can offer savings and sales...
Want to Grow Your Business? Here’s Some Food for Thought. If you think the importance of print is declining, you just aren’t paying attention. Print is as strong as ever, with more unique and creative ways to use it developing every day. I saw research recently that...
Printed Promotional Calendars Will Never Be Outdated…Here’s Why! Ever wonder why you still see so many printed calendars around, even with all the high-tech digital calendars on iPads, smartphones and more? Simple. People like them. And people use them....
Make Superior Your “Tag Team” Most consumers don’t think much about custom labels and tags, beyond the prices on everyday products. They’d probably be surprised to learn how many are on the average new car. (Think under the hood, on the doorpost, and hidden spots like...
Employees and Prospects Will “Dig” These Promotional Products The American mining industry is booming, with significant growth in crude oil and natural gas production in the last several years. The increased need for many other minerals such as copper and...
Customized Drones Are Ready to Give Your Business a Lift At first, I was tempted to fill today’s post with a lot of drone-related wordplay like the headlines (sorry for those). But I won’t. Because I want you to take the idea of using customized drones for...
Here are Our Readers’ Top Picks for Print & Promo Content for 2019…What Did You Miss? It’s only natural that, at this time of year, we all take a look back at the year’s “best this”, or the year’s “top that”. We’re going to join...
Pantone Color of 2020 Is 19-4052 Classic Blue I’m feeling a little blue today. To be honest, I’m feeling a lot of it. But not because I’m sad or unhappy. I’m just celebrating the announcement of Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2020: Classic Blue. And I think it’s an...
Three Things That Separate a Vendor from a Partner As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about business efficiency. Sometimes it’s sales tips and others, the value of specific tools like print-on-demand. I also frequently stress how...
Assessing and Defending Against Document Security Threats I’m sure you try to safeguard the security of the documents you generate in your business. But it’s also likely that you feel vaguely uneasy when you hear news stories about counterfeiting, duplication and...
They’re More Effective Than Ever Is smart marketing dead? Is effective sales strategy dead? No, of course not. So I wish people would stop asking the question “Are QR codes dead?” because that question is just as silly. In fact, here’s a much better question:...
Remember That They’re People, Not Job Titles It’s a common question, especially during the holiday season. I’d like to give a gift to my clients and top prospects. Or I’d like to have a little something for my employees to thank them for a year of...
When You Have Print Supply Chain Management, They Won’t Say “Boo” Sorry for the attempt at Halloween humor. But the spooky season does give me a chance to talk about a frightful mistake many companies are still making with their print management and...