To Win and Keep Customers, Respect Their Communications Preferences
Treating Them Right Means Protecting Their Rights It was happening before the pandemic. Corporations began putting a squeeze on their customers to accept all electronic communications for billing, invoices, payments, and other interactions. But during the last 16...
Speaking Up Can Pay Off for Your Business
Don’t Let False Perceptions Linger… Today I have good news…and it provides a good lesson for all of us in business going forward. You might remember that in a recent post, we reported on an article in Popular Science that parroted many common misperceptions...
Think Email Is the Right Way to Market Right Now? Think Again…and Think Print
Here Are 40 BILLION Reasons Why Print Marketing Works NOW! It was happening even before the pandemic. People were being bombarded with electronic marketing messages, including emails, social media ads, even text messages on their smartphones. Many consumers had...
Love Paper! It Will Love Your Business Back
Paper Gets a Green Light Paper gets a bad rap from some people today. But their arguments are thinner than, well—the paper they’re printed on. That’s why I’m excited that our friends at Two Sides North America have started a worldwide campaign called Love Paper. By...
BIG News in Print-on-Demand…Large Format Automated PrePress is HERE!
Here Is Some BIG News in Print-on-Demand to Help Your Business NOW! I’d like to think I always bring you good information, but today I’m bringing you good news. Print-on-demand, one of the most effective marketing tools I know of, is now available for wide-format...
8 Trends in Printing for 2021. Let’s Save Time & Money
Look In Here for What’s Going On Out There! Okay, just a little warning: I am pumped, excited, and invigorated today. Why? Well, we just had our annual sales meeting, where we listened to some incredible and inspiring vendors present to us. They told us about...
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Services – Part 2: Choosing the Best Print Center for “At Ready” Outsource Work
Have Your Print Center “At Ready” for Outsource Work and Help Your Business Survive Increased Demand…or Impending Disaster In Tuesday’s post, I talked about the importance of having a Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) plan in place....
Get COVID-19 Signage and Labels FAST
Looking for large format commercial print signage to help guide customer and your business through COVID-19. See all the ways we can help.

Easily Differentiating Digital Ink Sets and Print Processes
A Primer to Printing on Fabric You might say today’s post is “cut from a different cloth.” That is, in most of my posts I talk about printing business forms, proposals, and collateral materials like brochures and flyers. But I don’t want you to think Superior is only...
Variable Print-On-Demand Helps Boost Under-Performing Piggly Wiggly Store
Customized Mailing a “Pig” Success If you follow this blog regularly, you know that I often sing the praises of variable print-on-demand. It’s a great way to customize information for individual customers and prospects to addresses their unique situations and...The Easy Way to Save Big Money on Business Forms
The Many Benefits of One Provider for Business Forms Business forms may not sound like a thrilling topic, but they help keep your business functioning effectively every day. And if you get your business forms from the right provider, they can offer savings and sales...
Should You Forget Print at Your Next Trade Show?
Don’t Make a Bad Trade Show Tradeoff Today, I’m offering what might be a little dose of “tough love” to a few of you. As a big believer in print marketing, I have to weigh in a minor trend I’ve heard about. Some companies, thinking they are doing something...
Looking for Business Cards? STOP, Here’s Why.
With A One-Off Approach, Success ISN’T in the Cards Recently, our chief marketing officer mentioned to me that many visitors to our website have used Google My Business to search for “business cards near me.” Of course, we appreciate the business. But I think...
Six Ways “Sensory” Print Makes Sense for Your Business
Print Connects; Digital Disappears On Thursday I discussed the sensory benefits of print and I shared an article by Martin Lindstrom that provided strong support. It’s the difference between something that engages multiple senses, something you can hold in your hand,...
Is Your Brand Missing Out on The Sensory Benefits of Print?
Print Is the Only Sense-able Form of Marketing Today I’d like to share still more evidence of something I’ve long believed. Far from being “dead”, print is more important and more effective than ever. People love talking about all things digital. But those fleeting...
Making Print-On-Demand Work Like Magic
Not Hocus-Pocus, But Marketing Focus Almost any company would agree with this statement: a great salesperson can quickly determine a prospect’s main areas of interest or concern and address those areas effectively. But that can only happen with a sales call or phone...
Celebrating #IPD18 International Print Day 2018 Together!
Promoting Print Proudly Happy International Print Day 2018! #IPD18 is a big day for those of us in the industry. But it’s also a big day for those who appreciate and prefer their communications, books and important documents printed on paper. That means just about all...
3 Print and Paper Myths That Could Be Messing with Your Business
Don’t Let These Myths Lead You into Business Missteps If you run a business, you face plenty of obstacles: costs, competition, and staffing issues to name a few. And that’s fair; marketplace realities (and how you respond to them) dictate the success of any business....