10 Quotes to Help You Meet the Challenge of Challenging Times
10 Quotes from Inspirational CEO’s, Leaders & Historical Figures to Keep You Going Strong! Simple fact: we’ve all been through a lot, and so have our businesses. And, though it may not seem like the time to celebrate, I think we can take a little pride that we’ve...
How to Increase Productivity? This Tip Might Surprise You
Learn how getting organized can help you be more productive. We’re not just talking about the physical space around you but also in your work processes. An organized e-Procurement plan can take the burden off of you, freeing up your time and mind.

Catch Their EYE with The LiteWriter Sign!
It’s a sign. It’s a light. It’s a customer-attention-grabber. And it’s available at an incredible price for such an exciting product! How many ways can YOUR business take advantage of the benefits of using the LiteWriter sign.

Paper Falls Victim to Popular Science Fiction
Popular Science Got It Wrong on Paper. Here are the Down-to-Earth Facts on Sustainable Paper Spoiler alert: no, paper is not bad for the planet. And we’re proud to use this forum to tell you the real story. But first, let’s start with another little story. Twelve...
Packaging Producers Listen Up! New York Bill 1185 Looks to Make You Pay with Extended Producer Responsibility Act
With NY Bill 1185, Not Going Green with Your Packaging May Cost You Green…But Going Green Will Pay Dividends! I want to use this post to call your attention to legislation currently working its way through the New York State Senate. New York Bill 1185 will...
23 ½ Quotes That Will Help Make You Resilient Today, to Stay Successful Tomorrow
Quotes To Help You Adapt, Adjust and Achieve In Today’s Marketplace Business leaders come in all types, of course. But most of them share one important asset: resilience. That’s because business isn’t an airport runway, it’s more like a rutted country two-track....
How The Circular Economy Impacts Packaging
Today’s Products Come Wrapped in Environmental Friendliness Today, I’d like to focus on one of our products that I don’t talk about often. And it’s the one that can make your products more environmentally friendly and more appealing to consumers who care about the...
8 Trends in Printing for 2021. Let’s Save Time & Money
Look In Here for What’s Going On Out There! Okay, just a little warning: I am pumped, excited, and invigorated today. Why? Well, we just had our annual sales meeting, where we listened to some incredible and inspiring vendors present to us. They told us about...
Are You Making This Mistake with Your Meetings?
What’s Wrong? Too Long! There’s a good reason many people dread meetings at work. While it is necessary at times to meet as a group to touch base and collaborate, meetings can get in the way of productive work. That’s mostly because they usually take up more time than...
7 Ways Smart Brands Will Benefit from QR Codes in 2021
New Year, New Appreciation for QR Codes Need some positive momentum to start 2021? Imagine a new year in which your business surges forward while your competitors tread water. You can help make that happen by taking advantage of the many ways to use QR codes. This...
7 Tips to Slay Every Workday in 2021
Here’s How to Make Every Workday Work for YOU Happy New Year! Great to be back here with you. I hope you’re ready for an excellent 2021. I sure am! Forget all that “2020 was such a lousy year” stuff. It’s over. Let’s concentrate on making THIS year everything it can...
Time to Celebrate and Catch Up: Our 2020 Top 10 List!
Our Most-read Print and Promo Blog Posts of the Year I’d like to start today’s post with a big THANK YOU! Why? Well, this has been a very challenging but rewarding year. I’m grateful for the fact that even with all the distractions, traffic to this blog nearly doubled...
How Genius Marketers Use QR Codes for Virtual Events
For Online Event Success, You’ve Got to Know the (QR) Code You know, I laugh (at least to myself) when I hear people asking questions like “do people still use QR codes?” or “are QR codes dead?” That’s because I know the truth: the value of QR codes is actually...
Shipping More? Want to Save Money? Kraft Roll Sheets Could Be Your Answer
Fill and Protect the Packages You Ship with Efficiency I’d be willing to bet that virtually everyone reading this is shipping more items today than they were three years ago. It’s due to a combination of factors including the dramatic growth in e-commerce and even the...7 Secrets to Climbing The Corporate Ladder While Working From Home
Secrets to Working (Your Way UP) from Home It’s common during this pandemic for businesses and their workers to feel like they are “treading water.” Their goal seems to be to just get by until things get back to some version of normal and they return to the office....
11 Little-Known Quotes That Give BIG Inspiration for Your Workday
These Quotes Just Might Improve Your “View” from Wherever You’re Working Now Okay, it’s time for a time out. I thought we could all use a little break from all the talk about COVID-19 and the PPE your business needs to fight it. So, as we gain a...
Is Now the Time for Your Business to Finally Go Paperless?
“Want to Go Paperless?” Just Say ‘No.’ Many businesses are still asking if you would like to skip “paper” billing, statements, and other documents in favor of all-electronic communication. And it carries the implication that you are not being “green” if you decline....
5 Perfect Promotional Items to Give Your CSR’s for National Customer Service Week
Your Clients and Prospects Value Great Customer Service. So Should YOU. In a moment I’ll tell you why I think promotional items should be a big part of your plans for National Customer Service Week in early October. But first a question: do you know who your...