It Can Happen to Any Business. But It Doesn’t Have to Happen to YOURS. In Thursday’s post, I mentioned ten of the most noteworthy data breaches that have happened already in 2018. I’d love to say I didn’t mean to scare you, but I did. That’s because we at...
How to Protect Your Customers and Your Business From Data and Document Security Breaches A week rarely passes with no mention of yet another data theft or security breach affecting thousands of businesses and millions—even billions—of consumers around the world. As...
Don’t Let These Myths Lead You into Business Missteps If you run a business, you face plenty of obstacles: costs, competition, and staffing issues to name a few. And that’s fair; marketplace realities (and how you respond to them) dictate the success of any business....
Their Choice is YOUR Opportunity I thought about giving this post a much simpler title: “Getting Paid.” Because today I’d like to follow up a bit on last week’s post, where I talked about giving customers a choice of receiving invoices and statements digitally or in...
Proof Positive That Print Helps Your Businesses Succeed Thursday I talked about offering customers the choice of printed invoices and statements, rather than a “digital only” system. I shared research from Two Sides North America that proves consumers are less...