Three Things That Separate a Vendor from a Partner As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about business efficiency. Sometimes it’s sales tips and others, the value of specific tools like print-on-demand. I also frequently stress how...
Assessing and Defending Against Document Security Threats I’m sure you try to safeguard the security of the documents you generate in your business. But it’s also likely that you feel vaguely uneasy when you hear news stories about counterfeiting, duplication and...
They’re More Effective Than Ever Is smart marketing dead? Is effective sales strategy dead? No, of course not. So I wish people would stop asking the question “Are QR codes dead?” because that question is just as silly. In fact, here’s a much better question:...
It’s the Time Want to grow your business or organization? Here’s a tip: spend more time on it. But before you roll your eyes, notice I didn’t say anything about working harder or longer hours. I simply mean spending more time on your actual business by tapping...
Special Promotional Gifts for Those Special to Your Business We talked about corporate holiday gifts in recent posts. But today I’m going to focus on corporate gifts for the people you want to focus upon most. We shared our list of luxe promotional gifts last year but...